Raw StoryBush National Guard bust unveiling said postponed from December of 2002 because of 'pending war' with Iraq
Ron Brynaert
Published: Wednesday June 7, 2006
The unveiling of a bronze bust commemorating President George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard was postponed initially from December of 2002 due to the "pending war" with Iraq at the time, according to an assistant to the renowned sculptor commissioned for the project.
The unveiling took place before a global war on terror speech given by the president at the National Guard Memorial Museum in Washington, DC this February. The bust is currently on display in the Hall of the States wing of the museum, alongside the sculpted heads of ten other Guard presidents, including the former leader of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis.
"Charles Parks completed the bronze bust of George W. Bush for the National Guard Museum in the fall of 2002," Joanne Cimini told RAW STORY. "The original unveiling was supposed to be in December of 2002."
"However, as it was stated to me, because of the then-'pending war' it was postponed until further notice," Cimini said.
Evidence of "pending war" long denied
The Bush Administration has always insisted that there was no "pending war" in 2002. Congress passed a joint resolution to authorize the use of force against Iraq in October of 2002. However, the President has always maintained that no definitive decision had been made at that time.